麥賴美楨 師母簡介
- 麥師母畢業於香港中文大學-社會工作學系,從事社會工作/家庭輔導數年後
- 獲得奬學金負笈美國芝加哥基督教惠敦研究院進修-臨床心理學 (碩士課程)
- 畢業後回港在基督教機構從事心理/家庭輔導工作數年
- 移居加拿大後,在溫哥華的英語家庭服務中心任職心理輔導工作
- 其後放下專業,專心養育天父所賜的兩名子女,部份時間則用作翻譯基督教書籍(e.g. Norman Wright, John Baker)及寫作
- 又作為教會義工十年多,與麥牧師經常一起計劃、發展和推行教會內的家庭/婚姻/親子等事工
- 文章寫作範圍包括基督教家庭、婚姻、親子關係及全人屬靈健康等
Mrs. Mabel Mak (Brief Introduction)
- Mak C-Mo graduated in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (B.A. in Social Work),
then worked as a Social Worker/Family Counselor for some years.
- Later, she obtained a full-scholarship to study Clinical Psychology (M.A.) program
in Wheaton College Graduate School, Chicago, USA.
- Upon graduation, she went back to Hong Kong and worked as a psychological/family counselor
in a Christian organization for several years.
- After immigrating to Canada, she worked as a psychological counselor in an English-speaking family organization
in Vancouver.
- Later, she gave up her career and put focus on bringing up two children given by God.
Meanwhile, she did Chinese translation of English Christian books (e.g. Norman Wright, John Baker) and writing articles.
- After the family relocated to Toronto, she served as a volunteer in the church for a decade,
and regularly planned, developed and implemented various ministries (family/marriage/parenting) with Pastor Mak.
- She is one of the writers for the Chinese book: Spiritual Transformation II.
- She is the translator for the books of:
Emergency Response Handbook for Small Group Leaders, Group Publishing, 2006;
Helping Those Who Hurt, Norman Wright, 2003;
Life's Healing Choices: Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits, John Baker, 2008.
- She is a writer in areas of Christian family, marriage, parenting and holistic spiritual health…