麥渭光 牧師簡介 & 生命見證分享
- 香港大學-研究院畢業後,在香港基督教服務處任職-臨床心理學家,擔任專業輔導工作數年
- 後在香港中文大學 (教育學院-研究院) 敎授-心理輔導學 (碩士課程) 數年,並獲得大學長俸教席
- 移民加拿大後,在卑斯省域多利市專上學院敎授心理學/助人技巧課程予大學生十多年
- 後蒙神呼召全職事奉,辭去加拿大專上學院教席,舉家四口從域多利市遷往多倫多
- 在天道神學院全時間接受神學訓練,取得道學碩士
- 並先後在多倫多宣道教會和浸信教會事奉多年
- 2013年,醫生突然告知麥牧師患上胆囊癌,猶如火燒之旅,但天父神蹟地將他完全醫好,從而出死入生
(請閱讀-生命見證 in Section: Life-saving Testimony: 火燒之旅、再生情緣!)
- 及後因聖靈光照引導,他辭去教會工作,並開始"安息數年",又基於主耶穌的生命樣式(路2:52),實踐 全人屬靈健康 操練,
- 天父賜予"再生情緣",讓他安息數年,專心操練"生理-心理-社群-靈性"全人屬靈健康,
- 手術後完全康復,自2014 開始自由傳道人工作 (free-lance pastor) 服侍北美 (包括加拿大和美國) 及香港的華人教會
Rev. Johnny Mak (Brief Introduction & Life-Testimony)
- After graduating from the Graduate School of Hong Kong University, he worked as a Clinical Psychologist
in the Hong Kong Christian Service and to provide professional counseling for several years.
- Then, he taught Psychological Counselling Program (Master of Arts Degree) in the School of Education (Graduate School)
of the Chinese University of Hong Kong for some years and received the tenured position in CUHK.
- After immigration to Canada, he taught Psychology and Helping Skills courses to university-level students
in Camosun College in Victoria, B.C. for more than ten years.
- Later, God called him into full-time ministry. He resigned from his teaching position in Camosun College and
relocated his family of four from city of Victoria to Toronto.
- He received full-time theological training at Tyndale Seminary and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree.
- He served in the Alliance Church, and later in the Baptist Church as a full-time pastor for many years.
- In 2013, doctors unexpectedly informed Pastor Mak that he suffered from gall-bladder cancer.
It was like "a journey of fire." But Heavenly Father miraculously healed him completely.
(Please read Section: Life-saving testimony: "Journey of Fire & Passion for New Life").
- Later, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, he resigned from the church. He thus began "his Sabbath years"
and practiced holistic spiritual health (to intentionally establish his life-style) based on the life-model of Jesus (Luke 2:52),
including regular physical exercises (physical/body), regular Scripture reading, listening to sermons,
singing hymns, spiritual journaling and praying (spiritual), reading Christian/spiritual books (mind/ psychological),
shepherding and caring for loved ones (social).
- Father God, who granted him the "passion for new life" and a few years of Sabbath,
aimed to train him to be healthy holistically in "Physical-Psychological-Social-Spiritual" aspects and
equip him to serve the Lord and the church faithfully.
- Upon full recovery after surgery, he has been working as a free-lance pastor since 2014
serving some churches in Canada, USA and Hong Kong.